Mindfulness is the state of being more present, which can be done through a meditation session or making a conscious decision to focus on the present. It can become a natural state when you focus on mindfulness in your everyday life, especially during activities you’re already doing.

Here are 4 Ways to Increase Mindfulness:

Mindful Waking Minutes

Start a mindful waking routine where the first few minutes of your morning, right after you wake up, you try to relax and sit in the moment. This doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Just two to three minutes where you close your eyes and take a deep breath. Create a relaxed and mindful state from the moment you wake up. Your first step toward getting a handle on stressors and anxiety – two emotions which tend to follow you throughout your day.

Be Mindful of How Your Body Feels

Remember to check in with your body during your day. Feel the sensations. Notice tension or discomfort. Do you feel strong or fatigued? Are your muscles sore from a good workout. Do you feel relaxed? Checking in with your body is often enough to bring you into a mindful state. There is no wrong way to feel here, as long as you pay attention to how your body feels.

Be Mindful of Your Emotions

Develop the habit of checking in with your mind as often as possible. Analyze your thoughts and emotions in each instant. Again, this can be done at any time. Think of those moments, during the day, when you have time to sit with your thoughts. It might be when eating a meal, driving to work, or walking your dog. Just check in with your mind and see what your primary thoughts are.

Mindful Daily Habits

Think of your daily rituals where you can be present in those moments. Every day, you have many different habits and routines that you go through, often without thinking much about them. But you can take advantage of these moments by being mindful.

For example, instead of listening to music during your morning yoga session, instead, practice yoga in silence. You can be mindful during your shower, when brushing your teeth, as you make breakfast, while sitting outside enjoying the sunrise, and so many other activities.

Mindfulness is an art. It will require a conscious decision from you to be more present in the moment, with your body, mind, and habits. These tips and tricks will help you begin your mindfulness practice and bring you one step closer to living a life with less stress and anxiety.

Reach out in the comments and let me know what you’ve done to become more mindful.

In addition to being more mindful, now is a great time to start a gratitude practice. Pick up your own copy of this I Am Grateful card deck and bring a little more gratitude into your life. Use it as a daily reminder to be grateful for the little things or as a jumpstart on building a sustainable gratitude practice.

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