I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering understanding and support throughout these challenging past few months. Life has thrown me some unexpected curveballs, with the loss of my dear mom and grappling with a rather nasty case of shingles (because, let’s be honest, is there any other kind?).
Your messages, thoughts, and the warmth of your virtual hugs have been a source of immense comfort and strength during this mentally and physically taxing period. In my vast sea of difficulties, your love has helped me navigate the storm.
As we collectively turn the page from 2023 to 2024, it feels like a symbolic opportunity for a fresh start. A new year, a renewed spirit, and a chance to embrace life’s infinite possibilities. Your support has reminded me that even in the darkest moments, there’s a community standing by, ready to lift each other up.
With your encouragement, I find the strength to face the challenges ahead, one step at a time. Your kindness has shown me the true essence of humanity – the power of empathy, compassion, and connection.
Here’s to a new chapter, a new year filled with hope, healing, and the promise of brighter days. Thank you for being a part of my journey, for your kindness, and for reminding me that we are never alone in this intricate tapestry of life.
Wishing you all a year ahead filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities.
With heartfelt gratitude and positive vibes…
Need more self-care tips including info on incorporating more laughter into your day, head on over to A Cup of Positivity on Facebook join the discussion.
Discover the Power of Self-Love
Self-love is not selfish.
Learning to love yourself is on of the most difficult things you will ever do on this journey called life. It’s okay to take care of your needs first. This doesn’t mean you aren’t going to take care of your To-Do list. It simply means you’re changing priorities so that you put yourself first.
My Self-Love Journal is a powerful tool that will help you reconnect with yourself and explore what makes you unique. You will understand why self-love is so important.
Inside you will find:
- Why self-love matters,
- Prompts to help you connect with who you are,
- Space to record your thoughts and feelings
This Journal is designed to encourage and empower you to set up your own self-love routine.
You owe it to yourself to become the best version of yourself you can be.
Pick up your copy here TODAY.
Patricia “Pat” Bumpass is a ghostwriter, self-care advocate, author, and parent coach. She encourages and empowers women and parents with special needs kids to love themselves. Pat is North Carolina “born and bred” and loves coffee — hot or iced. You will often hear her say, “Twertles make me happy.” 🙂
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