To experience the benefits journaling offers, it needs to be done daily. Journaling is a habit that you build up, and like every habit, it can take a while to cement it into your daily routine.
I’ve listed several of the best ways to get started below.
Remind Yourself of The Benefits
Some days might be more of a struggle than others when it comes to trying to journal every day. Acknowledge and accept this. Give yourself a break. When you are just getting started, it’s easy to think “I’ll just skip journaling for today and do more tomorrow.” However, if you allow yourself to do this once, it’s so easy to do it again, and again, and again. Until you find yourself in a pit of despair that you won’t be able to climb up from. 😊
To help you overcome the harder days, print out small cards which remind you of the benefits. You can look at them to gain inspiration when needed.
There will be times when journaling is the last thing on your mind. Life happens. During tough times, journaling every day just might not be realistic. In these times, do the best you can.
Schedule Time to Journal
You may find it easier to make journaling a routine if you schedule it into your calendar. Make it an appointment. Set at least 10 minutes aside each day to write in your journal. Take a moment to jot this appointment down in your planner right now. Go ahead. I’ll wait…
Figure out whether journaling works better for you first thing in the morning or at night before heading off to bed. Or both. The important thing is once you find a time that works, stick to it. You’ll soon start to see that it becomes a habit.
Start Small
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are trying to journal every day, is placing an expectation on yourself. For example, it’s common for people to think they need to write a lot and what they do write needs to be a masterpiece.
The truth is you just need to start out small. Ten minutes a day or a couple of paragraphs, or even just a list will do. The key is to just write. You might find that once you get started, the words just flow from there.
Use A Physical Journal
These days, you can journal online or use a physical journal. While online journals are more convenient, they don’t have the same attraction as a physical journal. There is just something about writing in a physical journal that makes it a joy to use.
So, if you want to stick to writing in your journal every day, make sure you get one that you can physically write in.
These are a small selection of the best ways you can set yourself up to journal every day. Remember, it may take practice to build up journaling as a daily practice. The more you stick at it, the easier you will start to find it.
I’d love to hear how you set up your journaling practice. Hit reply and let me know.
Need more self-care tips including info on incorporating more laughter into your day, head on over to A Cup of Positivity on Facebook join the discussion.
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Discover the Power of Self-Love
Self-love is not selfish.
Learning to love yourself is on of the most difficult things you will ever do on this journey called life. It’s okay to take care of your needs first. This doesn’t mean you aren’t going to take care of your To-Do list. It simply means you’re changing priorities so that you put yourself first.
My Self-Love Journal is a powerful tool that will help you reconnect with yourself and explore what makes you unique. You will understand why self-love is so important.
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- Prompts to help you connect with who you are,
- Space to record your thoughts and feelings
This Journal is designed to encourage and empower you to set up your own self-love routine.
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Patricia “Pat” Bumpass is a ghostwriter, self-care advocate, author, and parent coach. She encourages and empowers women and parents with special needs kids to love themselves. Pat is North Carolina “born and bred” and loves coffee — hot or iced. You will often hear her say, “Twertles make me happy.” 🙂
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