“…choose ye this day, whom you will serve…” Joshua 24:15, ESV; KJV
It’s all about choice. You have the ability to choose what goes on your to-do list, especially your holiday to-do list.
You have permission to accept or decline anything that others want to add to your plate.
You are under no obligation to do anything that will not feed your heart and soul.
I’m not talking about the things you almost have to say yes to.
For instance, no matter what I have going on if something comes up that has to do with my son, I have to stop and take care of that immediately.
My sister and I are the drivers for our parents so if they need to go somewhere if my sister is working I have to take them.
I’m not talking about stuff like that. What I’m talking about are time suckers and wasters who cause you to expend energy that you could expend on something more worthwhile.
Every day is fraught with decisions and choices. I for one, am terrible at making decisions or choosing one thing over another. I tend to agonize over things for-ever.
Is it any wonder I have trouble saying No?
Below are a few considerations that will hopefully help you (and me) make better choices.
Making the Right Choice
There are big choices and little choices. The right choice can set you up for life while the wrong choice can derail your efforts and force you back to square one.
Take these steps to help you move toward the right choice for you and your situation:
- Review your priorities. If adding one more thing to your to-do list doesn’t fit into what you have planned for your day — leave it alone or let it go.
- Consider the ramifications of the choices you make. What will be the impact of the outcome?
- Identify alternatives. Is there someone else who can help with what you are being asked to do? Or can it be done later?
Use your head and not your heart. I’m not saying you have to be a hard ass, but you do have to consider the other person’s possible motive(s) behind the request. Often, they are only thinking about marking an item off their to-do list. Placing it on yours allows them that option.
Now, if a person is in dire straits, whatever you consider that to be, then it is still up to you whether to help them out.
Check your emotions at the door. You can’t make a choice that is good for you if you are angry, mad, or sad. Emotional.
Life is all about making choices. Give yourself permission to add that extra item to your to-do list or not. It’s all up to you.
“You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny.”~ Roy T Bennett
Need more self-care tips including info on incorporating more laughter into your day, head on over to A Cup of Positivity on Facebook join the discussion.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed with your To-Do list or life, you need a little positivity.
Head on over and grab my free Positivity Journal.
Discover the Power of Self-Love
Self-love is not selfish.
Learning to love yourself is on of the most difficult things you will ever do on this journey called life. It’s okay to take care of your needs first. This doesn’t mean you aren’t going to take care of your To-Do list. It simply means you’re changing priorities so that you put yourself first.
My Self-Love Journal is a powerful tool that will help you reconnect with yourself and explore what makes you unique. You will understand why self-love is so important.
Inside you will find:
- Why self-love matters,
- Prompts to help you connect with who you are,
- Space to record your thoughts and feelings
This Journal is designed to encourage and empower you to set up your own self-love routine.
You owe it to yourself to become the best version of yourself you can be.
Grab a pen and download your copy of the Self-Love Journal now.
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