March is here and for me, that signals Spring!
But Spring also brings an opportunity to reset. Maybe you’ve lost traction on those goals you set at the beginning of the year. I recently reported that approximately 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions give up on those resolutions by February. 
For those of us still hanging in there looking to achieve some form of those goals we set three months ago, now is a great time to do your own reset.
To do this, take stock of all the areas of your life that cause you to feel anxious or overwhelmed and think about ways you can lessen the stress.
If you work from home, look at your workspace. Is it functional? Does it bring you joy? Are the things you need within easy reach? What about the walls, if you have walls? What kind of art do you have hanging up? Does it inspire you?
Maybe you need to clean a closet so that you have a better idea of what you’ve worn and what you need to donate to a shelter or consignment shop.
The area doesn’t matter. What matters is that you pick an area and work on it.
Caution: the change doesn’t have to be dramatic or perfect. It only has to move you toward releasing some stress and anxiety in your life. 
It could be as small as scheduling in time to breathe or gaze out the window or as big as reorganizing your office. Just. Choose something that needs a reset and S.T.A.R.T.
For me, one area that needs a constant reset for me is my desk. I don’t care how often I straighten it up, I always clutter it right back up. When I’m feeling blocked creatively, I look at my surroundings. If I clutter my desk with papers and books, which I always seem to do, there is my explanation for feeling blocked.
Keeping my desk clean has become part of my spring reset. Reorganizing my office is the goal, but for now, wrapping my head around tackling my desk daily is a start. And, for now, it’s enough.
What are you going to do for your own spring reset? Pick one thing and get started.

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