Are You Feeling Stuck and Dissatisfied?

It’s normal to feel stuck and lost in your life. Occasionally. This is often the result of dissatisfaction with the way your life seems to be working out. It could also be because you’ve lost passion for the things you spend most of your time on. The good news is you can find your joy and happiness again.
Here are 4 Simple Ways to Get Unstuck: 
Change Your Focus
Focusing on what hasn’t worked out the way you thought it would is enough to make you feel stuck. It causes you to spiral because it’s easy to become caught up in the past, instead of planning for your present or your future. To get unstuck, acknowledge what didn’t work out, figure out why, and then be mindful about making changes in the future.
To figure out if why you’ve been feeling unhappy or dissatisfied, write down anything in your life that either didn’t work out at all, or turned out much differently than you thought it would. Record these using as much detail as you can. Include what you think went wrong, and how you can turn things around.
Try a Brain Dump in Your Journal
Whenever you aren’t feeling good about your life, or you aren’t sure what to do next, turn to your journal. One of the best methods of journaling is a brain dump. There are no rules related to how much to write, for how long, or what to write about. Start by writing whatever comes to mind. Allow your thoughts to flow onto the page. Your thoughts might be scattered. You may find your mind conjures up random goals and plans or feelings you didn’t know you had. That’s okay. In fact, that’s the purpose of doing a brain dump. 
Write your thoughts as they come. I’ve always found it helpful to use pen and paper for journaling. There is something about your hand moving across the page while capturing your random thoughts that is therapeutic.
The only goal here is to write until you feel like all your thoughts are on the page and you can take a deep breath. Those thoughts rolling around in your head might have been what was causing you to feel stuck in your life. 
This process is sometimes referred to as Morning Pages, which is a concept Julia Cameron writes about in her book The Artist’s Way. I highly recommend you check out this book for more information on this method of journaling.
Time To Pivot
Feeling stuck isn’t always a bad thing. It could be the inspiration you need to pivot and explore something new. Begin looking for new things and experiences. Meet new people. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid to do. This could be enrolling in a a local art class, going on a solo road trip, or venturing into a new business.
Doing a new thing might be the catalyst you need to move forward.
Embrace the Laziness
Don’t be afraid to take a little time, be less productive, and just relax. Take your time to find your way. Just because you feel stuck, there is no need to feel pressured to figure it out right now. Allow yourself some time and grace, so you can figure out next steps in a natural and organic way. 
Feeling stuck is okay. Remaining stuck is not. Take time to figure out why you’re feeling this way then find out the best way for you to move yourself and your life forward. 

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