During tough times it’s difficult to find optimism or to stay optimistic. Optimism is a way of viewing our surroundings in a positive light. Winston Churchill once said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  

Humans are born to be more optimistic. When there is more optimism in your life, you’re healthier, you have a more positive outlook, and tend to live longer than someone who is more pessimistic. People who are optimistic may feel less depressed or fatigued than their more negative counterparts.

Caution: Unrealistically believing that a person’s future will be filled with only positive events can lead to the taking of unnecessary risks, especially with health and finances.

Believe it or not, you can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good.

Here are a few ways that may help:

#1: Find the laughter.

These days, it isn’t hard to find things to laugh at. With Youtube and social media, there is no shortage of memes, videos, and more to get you chuckling. Rent a funny movie, watch standup comedy, or hangout with funny people. Laughter will lead you to smiling and smiling will lead you to feeling good. Which brings us to our next point…

#2: Turn the frown upside down.

It’s hard to believe that something as simple as smiling can improve our mood, but studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift. Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even if feels unnatural, stupid, and inauthentic. See how long you’ll be able to hold that smile…one minute, two minutes, five minutes. Start the day off with a smile and make a conscious effort to smile more.

#3: Use positive words.

Words can literally shape the reality around us. If you want to build a more positive vibe, try using more positive words. Eliminate negative talk about yourself, and others.

#4: Hang out with positive people.

The impact of those we hang out with is enormous. Avoid negative influences and people who bring you down with complaining and criticism. Misery loves company and these people will quickly bring you into a downward spiral. Find friends who are upbeat, positive, and happy, and their resilience and optimism will pass on to you.

#5: Invest in your own health.

Irritability and negativity increase when you’re feeling tired and sick. By contrast, maintain an active lifestyle of healthy choices that can maximize your energy levels and build you up. It’s easier to be upbeat and happy when you feel good inside and out.

#6: Get spiritual and/or actualized.

Most spiritual traditions promote a positive outlook on life. If you’re not into organized religion, find something that can provide a positive outlet for you, like exercise, music, art, or reading. Just like using positive words can turn our perspective around, filling our hearts and minds with good stuff will help optimism come easier.


Being optimistic leads to better overall health mentally and physically. It helps buffer the negative effects of physical and mental illness. It’s associated with better health outcomes in general and tends to help you become more resilient.

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