One affirmation in my Positive Change card deck is: 
I let go of negative thoughts and replace them with positive energy.

Positive Change Card Deck
Fear is negative thoughts in action. Or rather, fear can lead to those negative thoughts you’re trying to change into positive energy. 

What could you do if you felt no fear?

What could you do if you looked fear in the eye and then stomped on it so hard it had no choice but to never plague you again?

You would be unstoppable. 

So often, we sit back and wonder why we haven’t achieved our goals, and the reason is that we are afraid.

  • Afraid of being seen
  • Afraid of failing
  • Afraid of succeeding (yeah, it’s a thing).
  • Afraid your family and friends are going to talk negatively about us. (Hint, if they aren’t supportive, maybe it’s time to reassess the relationship–just saying.)
  • Fear of the past
  • Insert your own fear here.

Take a moment and imagine what your life and business would look like if you ran kicking and screaming toward your goals, your dreams, instead of running away from them?

Wondering how to do this?

While attending a publishing summit, one speaker shared a process called “fear storming” with the group. I found this to be quite effective. While this speaker had us only do one list, I’ve done it with three separate lists and that’s the process I’m going to walk you through today.

Here’s how it works:

  • Grab a piece of paper and a pen or pencil–It’s important to do this in long-hand.
  • Write everything that causes you fear or that you’re afraid of. Get it all out. It doesn’t matter what it is. Write it down. 

My list might look like this:

I am afraid of falling (because my knees are bad), snakes, dying, not having enough water, never being successful in my business, the dentist, etc.

  • You have your list? Now, go back and write down everything that scares you in your personal life. Again, get it all out there.

Here’s a glimpse of my list:

I am afraid I may never lose the amount of weight I want to lose. I fear being a bad mom. I’m afraid of not being and doing all the things I want to do in my life, etc.

  • Once you have that list done, write down everything that causes you anxiety around your professional life (work-life or business). If it pops into your mind, write it down. 

Here’s part of my list:

I’m afraid of success, of making myself too visible, of being seen, not being good enough, of being laughed at, of learning new technology, etc.

  • There will probably be quite a bit of overlap between the three lists, and that is okay. No worries.
  • As soon as you have three complete lists, choose one of your lists. 
  • On another piece of paper, rewrite your fear statement into positive statements. For my business list (list #3) I wrote: 


I am afraid of success.

I am afraid of technology.

I am afraid of being visible.                


I work toward my goals with abandon.

I technology is my friend and I embrace my friend.

My message is worth being seen.

You can take any of your lists and rewrite the negative into a positive. Let’s take this one step further. Write these positive statements, otherwise known as affirmations, on a notecard or print them out and place them near your desk. Make a scrolling screensaver or even a video set to music that you can set repeat in the background on your computer.

What do you do with the list of fear statements?

You can put them away never to be looked at again. Better burn them. If burning is troublesome to you, tear your pages into the smallest pieces you can and toss them at the bottom of a trashcan. The idea is to toss out the negative and keep the positive.

So, dear reader, what are you going to do to work through your fear today?


Are you ready to make a Positive Change in your life? Grab your own copy of my Positive Change card deck. A 44-card deck of affirmations you can keep handy in a purse or pocket for a boost at any point during your day. 

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