Sounds scary doesn’t it.
This very thing happened to my sister. One minute she was walking around the kitchen, her happy place. The next minute her foot, leg, and hand were numb.
Watching my carefree sister upset because she couldn’t explain what was happening to her body hurt my heart. She’s the one who makes us laugh. She always cracks a joke when I’m irritated to get me out of my head and my feelings.
After my sister calmed down and we were able to email the doctor to get an appointment for her to see her neurologist, I had a moment to think about how often we let fear stop us.
Think about it. One minute you’re standing in the kitchen and everything is going on in a normal manner. The next minute you’re reaching for a chair before your legs give out.
I don’t know about you, but I hold off on doing a lot of things because I’m afraid of what people might think, how I might look, or some other nonsense. When I should embrace all life has to offer, because the next moment we could be stopped in our tracks.
Moments only last so long. Grab life by the throat (lol), go out and live it.
  • Start a business.
  • Make a video
  • Ask for a raise
  • Follow your dreams
  • Show up for yourself.
Stop worrying about the what ifs… You know the “what if I’m not good enough?” “What if people think I’m crazy?” “What if no one likes what I have to say?”
Even if you’re tempted to be paralyzed by fear, step in front of those feelings and do your thing anyway.
Fear can be powerful, but you’re stronger. I promise.
The first way to combat the fear that grips you in the moment is to breathe. Deep breath, in for a count of four, hold for account of four, and release to a count of four. Just breathe.
Another way to combat the fear is to just do the thing that is causing the fear. For instance, I’m in program where we have to create videos to help increase our visibility. Video scares me because of the things I mentioned above-people might laugh at me, my teeth aren’t straight, what if people think I’m a fraud? – but I’ve made my videos. The thing that caused me to pause, I’ve gone ahead and done it anyway.
A final way to get past your fear is to grab a journal and write it out. I recently bought this travel journal and I love it. It’s beautiful to look at laying on my desk. When I need to take a break from the computer or need to work through my fear, I pick it up and start freewriting. The fear may not be gone but I have managed to explore why I’m fearful and I’m better prepared to perform the task anyway.
Try out these three ideas the next time you need to conquer your fear and get things done. Don’t wait to feel the floor under your feet to stop being afraid.
Get out of your head and send fear packing.
When you’re feeling deep in your gut you can’t is the exact moment you can.

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