We’re all busy.
I care for my son who is blessed with autism, and I help care for my elderly parents. While trying to get my freelance business off the ground. There are days when I feel overwhelmed and pulled in all sorts of directions – my parents need to go here, my son needs care, I need to edit the latest story I wrote, the copy for my newsletter is due. It seems never-ending.
Putting my own self-care on the back burner seems like a great option but how can I get everything done I need to do if I don’t care for my own mental, physical, and spiritual needs.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” ~Zig Ziglar
When it comes to taking care of yourself, how many obstacles do you put in your own way?
One of the main reasons people give for not taking care of themselves is:
You’re too busy
Life is busy these days. I get it. Looking at your TODO list makes it harder to focus on your own needs. All those responsibilities will cause you to put self-care firmly in the backseat. There already aren’t enough hours in your day as it is. How are we supposed to practice good self-care too?
Believe me. I understand how challenging it is to incorporate a self-care routine into your daily life, but it can be done.
- First there needs to be a shift in your mindset. Instead of seeing self-care as a chore or one more thing on your TODO list, view it as essential to your wellbeing.
- Schedule it as part of your day.
- Look forward to it and make carving out “me” time a priority.
- Wake up earlier or practice self-care after the kids have gone to bed.
- You only need five to ten minutes to set yourself up to feel better and to tackle your everyday tasks.
With Spring upon us, your list may have gotten longer but this is a great time to add a few minutes into your schedule for yourself. Self-care can be built into our routines, no matter how busy we are.
What one thing can you do to care for yourself today? Hit reply and tell me about it. I respond personally to every email.
“If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?” ~ Maya Angelou
Have a Happy Week!
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